I just finished the Telephone inertview. I am very sad because I was rejected. This morning, I woke up early and parpare for the interview. I wrote down lots answer of general interview question and pratice my speaking. At 9:00 AM, I got the phone and feel good because the lady spaking is more slowly. She asked a lot questions and I thought My answer was very good and I used lots my experiences as the example. However, when she ask me about do you have any question for they comapny, I asked that do you offer sponsorship of employment visa. She anwsered sorry our this program don't support sponsorship so you don't fit this position. ><"~~~~
But, She said she will send my resume to others department that might support sponsorship. If she find out any position is fit for me she will let me know. Though I know these words just consolation and she might never call back, I still very happy that I have a grateful telephone interview. Because this is my first time telephone interview by English. I believe I will do it better next interview. Never give up you can I a great job in USA.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Grateful interview, However I was rejected
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7:36 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Information Privacy Issue about Gmail
The topic of this paper is information privacy issue on Gmail. This research argues that scanning e-mail content of the Gmail is bad for personal privacy. This paper discussion could divide into two parts. The first is Gmail’s advantage and disadvantage, the second is how Gmail could threaten and endanger the entire Gmail users, especially on personal information privacy issue. In summary, for business view, context-sensitive advertisement is trend and direction for email advertisements, because customization is now becoming standard in the Internet world. However, it seriously Impact on personal information privacy if Gmail combine Google search engine and share the personal information for other purposes. Therefore, users should trade-off the Gmail benefit between with personal privacy or pay the money for a complete secure email environment.
With the growing of popularity using personal computer online, Email is becoming more popular in the world. It could be said that this is part of a global phenomenon. According to Pew Internet and American Life Project data from December 2006 survey, 91% of U.S. Internet users have most did online activity is sent or read email [3]. In general, most people favor using free webmail services because it is convenient, easy to use and no charge. Right now, internet has plenty of web-based email address providers could offer free email service such as Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail, AOL Mail,…etc. Besides, Email marketing is very competitive and every email address provider giving every effort on attracting email users by offer better performance [1]. Recently, Gmail became most favor web-based email address provider by provide better services. The numbers of Gmail active accounts are sudden increasing and it greatly threaten to other two largest competitors (Yahoo! Mail and Windows Live Hotmail). However, some new problems have resulted from using Gmail, especially on information privacy. Therefore, this paper focuses on Gmail’s information privacy issue. First at all, this paper explains Gmail’s good and bad, the second is analyzing how Gmail could threaten and endanger the Gmail user’s privacy.
Gmail is a free Web-based email (Webmail) and POP3 e-mail service provided by Google Inc. It was released on April 1, 2004 as a private beta by invitation only, and was opened to all as a public beta on February 7, 2007. Because Google had had such success and high volume of use in search engine, it decided to offer a new free mail service for increase and sustain the competitive advantage. Google has extended several smaller applications including Google Calendar, Google Map, Google Page Creator and Google Talk in Gmail for attempts to increase user productivity and service, get bigger email marketing from business sectors, and make Gmail accessible on mobile phone [9].
Gmail catch the attention of users with several new features: first one is that it has a one gigabyte of storage and archiving space. This was over 500 times the storage offered by Hotmail’s or Yahoo’s free mail. After that other e-mail services also have increased their storage capabilities for remain the current users. However, Gmail currently raise the storage capabilities the offers users 2.86 gigabytes of free storage for response to other competitors [9], [8], [2]. The second is the the ability to search mail archives for specific words or phrases. This function is similar to the feature in Microsoft Word. User can use the great Google search tools to find content in your emails that you have stored in your account [2]. In addition, user could use spell checker to check the typing error [2]. The third is that it not only has attractive and friendly user interface but also has an excellent spam filter(scan content of email) function for deleting spam mails and other unwanted business e-mails [8],[2]. The fourth is offer direction function. It will auto offer direction map that link with Google map, If user’s email content has address [2]. The fifth is user could get Gmail for mobile devices so user can read and reply to Gmail messages on user’s phone [9]. The sixth is offer free POP-in and POP-out, that meaning user can use Gmail to access other email accounts, or access Gmail from whatever email client user use. However, this service is needed to charge in other email providers [1]. In addition, according to Michael Arrington (2007) in his article” A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail,” pointed out that “Overall we prefer Gmail over all other webmail applications because performance (speed) is consistently fast, and emails can be tagged making search much more effective. They also offer more storage and other features, and it’s free”. So the author also list the table 1 for compare the services on a feature-by-feature basis among Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail [1].

For these reasons, Gmail became the most popular email address provider. Especially during the invitation system (account holders were given up to 100 account invitations to send out to other e-mail addresses) was in use, it limit user’s number in Gmail system. So when that time, some people made money by sell Google's new e-mail service account as much as $60. Therefore in Joyoftech.com, it has very funny cartoon as figure 1 to satirize what benefit for become a Gmail user. It depicts a slick guy wear an "I got Gmail" T-shirt, with two girls stay around both his arms. Another guy asks this slick person, "What's your secret with the babes? Money? Power? Some kind of pheromone?" He answer, "Nope, something even more enticing then those...I have an invitation to a Gmail account to give out" [7].

On the other hand, user must sacrifice their personal privacy to enjoy the use of Gmail. This is biggest disadvantage of Gmail, because Gmail is supported by business advertisers who purchase Advertisements from Google. The Gmail’s advertising method similar to the Google search engine’s AdSense advertising program. AdSense system puts customized and targeted advertisements on thousands of sites across the Web that according to rapidly scanning the content of Web pages and determining which advertisements are most appropriate to them [2]. So, Gmail use this sort new approach to presenting advertising to its users that Google automatically scans e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements. It screen the content of emails that user send and receive, and then select the personalized advertising for its email user that will appear on the right side of mailbox [1], [8], [2]. For example, if user were to send a message about how to buy and sell stock, you may find some financial and broker advertisement links set in into your e-mailbox. Imperceptibly, you Gmail account become a plenty of database for business or privacy search. As a result, privacy advocates are arguing about this privacy issue and insist that violating the privacy law especial in Europe.
Gmail offer huge storage space for reserve thousands of your messages. Consequently you can store many years of e-mail into Gmail and still have space to spare. Also you may never have to erase e-mail again. However it accumulated over many years, your email account will become a powerful and useful database. It will save on Gmail server for while even thought user deleted the email [4], [6]. So Gmail could scan you email for multiple times by different purposes. It is different with anti-spam and antivirus systems. Because anti-spam and antivirus systems will not saved user’s email and it will check email only during sent or receive. Therefore, privacy advocates claim that Gmail is immoral and illegal to scan the user’s email.
Recently Legislative efforts aimed specifically at Google and Gmail are not necessary to protect user privacy for national security due to terrorism is serious threaten to the world lately. Since Gmail and online data storage are like the real record for personal activities. Once these private data and information expose to public, the personal information privacy will reveal very thorough [5]. Base on the national safety, most governments desire to monitor the email and online data storage for protect their country. Even though Google has promised an ongoing responsibility to protect the privacy of its users and is now one of the industry leaders in this effort, there is no guarantee in future. So, user should be careful emailing instructions on how to make a gun, drug, pipe bomb or car bomb, because the government may eventually read that email [5].
An important privacy concern exclusive to Gmail is that Google could combine information about a huge store of your mail with records of your search activity by Google search engine into a detailed sketch of your life [4]. For instance, Gmail could use intelligent software for combine result of screen the contents of e-mail with result of search activity to predict and analysis the user’s personality and routine schedule. It will become better and approaching reality day by day. For that reason, Gmail could insidiously monitor you behavior and expose personal privacy. Perhaps Gmail might imitate the second life website, put the user’s attribute and relative information in virtual world for make up and record the real world’s activities. Perhaps like Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems said: "If you're online, you have no privacy!" [4].
Scanning e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements is a exclusive service and a new revenue stream for Google, which usually focuses on business advertisements revenue linked to Google search engine. However, they can efficiently target specific advertising to specific individuals by using scan the contents of the e- mail in its e-mail service. In business advertisers view, that is what they want and willing to pay in email marketing. On the other hand, different people have different perception on privacy issue depend on each one’s culture and personality. Some people seem to acceptable Gmail using context-sensitive advertisements while others tend to insist Gmail violating their privacy. Therefore users either trust in Gmail and then fell free to use this powerful email or pay the money for a reliable and private email.
1. Arrington, M. (2007). A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail. Retrieved June 3, 2007 http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/02/08/a-comparison-of-live-hotmail-gmail-and-yahoo-mail.
2. Freeman, E. H. (2006). Gmail and Privacy issues. Information system security.p.2 -p.6.
3. Pew Internet and American Life Project (2007). Internet Activities. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.pewinternet.org/trends/Internet_Activities_1.11.07.htm.
4. Post, J. (2004). Gmail, new web privacy concerns, Regional Business News.
5. Rutledge. S. (2006), Ask the Law Geek: How the government (doesn't) read your email, Lifehacker.
6. Stephen H. (2004). Google's Gmail Is Great -- But Not for Privacy, Business Week, Issue 3881.
7. The joyoftech.com (2004). Gmail Cartoon. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/560.html.
8. Vogel, P. (2004). Google’s new Gmail service: A wake-up call for privacy? Fort Worth Business Press, p.7.
9. Wikipedia.org (2007), Gmail, Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Gmail#Trademark_disputes.
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7:10 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Personal Study Plan of Mr. Yi-Cheng, PAN
I’ve been interested in civil aviation ever since senior high school and thought that is a very good future in civil aviation therefore made choice of civil aviation engineering as my major. Henceforward, I started to specialize in the field of civil aviation, I made continuous progress in all branches of the civil aviation Technology and management, and greatly increased my understanding the operation of airlines base on visiting and practical training in airlines. I want to be professional in my field and have aspirations to enter the best airline than become an executive officer. My ultimate goal is to become CFO of a large airline, but in the shorter term I know that the best way to grow professionally is to learn more about general business, and a College of Business and Administration of Southern Illinois University double degree exchange student program will help me do just that.
Right after my graduation form graduate school of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering of National Cheng-Kung University in 2003, I completed a professional international management certificate program in order to gain a management perspective of the field. I then realized that, in order to effectively combine my technical knowledge and management skills, I needed to accumulate real-world experience. Specifically, working at a large company would allow me to develop insight into various industries, as well as an overarching vision of the international business arena. The only reason why I decided to apply college of management of National Chung Kung University is that I hope to widen my knowledge and capability in management, and then advance myself in transportation services by means of study for my Ph.D. degree in transportation and communication management sciences.
In the mean time, I have now worked for nearly three years in the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan's first and biggest research & development organization. As a project management engineer, I am mainly responsible for our holding departments' research & development project for new technology or service. This position has given me the opportunity to interact with businessmen from all over the world, thereby expanding my international perspective. Because of my outstanding work performance, I was chosen to attend various meetings and conferences with local and international bodies. It is highly unusual for a young associate to represent the company at such events, and my self-confidence -- as well as my management skills -- was further enhanced by that successful experience.
While working in various business lines, including the automotive industry, consumer durables, electronics industry and the transportation sector, I have realized that the root cause of many research & development problems is lack of business administration, especially in finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. I believe that many people in the research & development phase are so ignorant or insensitive that they will cheat customers to increase profits.
In the long term, I hope to help solve research & development problems by starting in transportation services business in Taiwan. The company will serve both local and international customers by providing cost-effective, adaptable solutions ranging from waste management to safety management. In order to accomplish this goal, however, I must deepen my knowledge of the field. Despite my experience, I still lack some important knowledge and management skills, especially in finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. I am also aware that my knowledge of business administration issues is insufficient. Since dealing with aspects of international business will be an integral part of my job as an entrepreneur, it is essential that I fill in these gaps.
The SIU double degree exchange student program is the perfect bridge from where I am to where I want to be. I am attracted by the inventiveness and uniqueness of its entrepreneurial and business programs, and believe that I will increase my practical knowledge of entrepreneurship by interacting with my classmates. I value the fact that at SIU entrepreneurial education does not stop at the classroom, but rather continues through internships and extracurricular activities. I feel that a business school for entrepreneurs should balance a dose of theory with real-world application, and SIU's curriculum and hands-on experiences through associations, internships, and the management field study provide such balance.
I am also drawn to SIU because of the school's emphasis on teamwork and technology, reflected by such exciting courses and programs as High Technology Entrepreneurship, International Finance, 12-week field application projects, and the global immersion program directed to teach global thinking and global action. Additionally, the school's profusion of student groups and its flexible entrepreneurial program -- with electives from 100 courses -- will allow me to tailor my course of study directly to my career interests. It is precisely this flexibility that I plan to draw on while at SIU and beyond, by taking advantage of the school's strong international alumni network.
Above all, a SIU double degree exchange student program will help me strengthen both the business knowledge and the entrepreneurial skills necessary to secure a position as a project management specialist in a multinational American-based firm. Such a position, in turn, will prepare me to accomplish my long-term ambition of building my own company. By developing and maximizing the technical knowledge and managerial skills I have already accumulated, SIU will allow me to ultimately make a concrete and substantial contribution to Taiwan's transportation services.
If I got the recipient of a grant from the double degree exchange student program of the College of Business and Administration of Southern Illinois University. I’ll endeavor to improve language skills and I can go on from here to build up the specific skill and knowledge I’ll need to do my capability well; moreover, I’ll effort to reinforce the business of management and operation control methodology in period of study in SIU.
As a NCKU student, I will contribute the knowledge and skills I have gained not only through school and work but also through athletics and travel. My athletic training has taught me to pursue goals individually as well as while part of a team. While at SIU, I plan to join the baseball Club and play in intramural sports throughout the campus.
My international travels, including to America, France, China and Japan, had allowed me to build a bridge between my American upbringing, my Chinese background, and the other country cultures. This broad cultural exposure will make me an asset in providing a global perspective and cultural understanding in classroom discussions. While at SIU, I plan to visit Canada and Mexico during vacation for enrich my experience and knowledge.
After finishing my exchange student study program in SIU, I Will come back to Taiwan and speed up finish doctoral dissertation. I would like to devote myself to the transportation services development and research in Taiwan. With cherished and rare experience of study in SIU, I can apply a variety of disciplines, including finance, marketing, and operations in my future research and work.
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11:54 AM
Monday, January 01, 2007
The legalization of drugs
According to third paragraph, author noted that he did burgs until they wore him out, then he stopped (Michael W. Posey). That means people will proper to use drug after some painful experience teaches. However, in first paragraph, author stated that drug dealers do everything possible to find drug even have drug prohibition laws (Ethan A. Nadelmann). In addition, base on second paragraph, statistics argue against legalization of drugs by irrefutable evidences. Moreover, author clear pointed out that the prohibition of illegal drugs has helped, while the legal status of alcohol and cigarettes has not made them less popular (Sylvia Runkle). Therefore, the legalization of drugs will bring about a great calamity.
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12:22 PM
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Family Life"Vermont court sets precedent with first lesbian adoption"
According to the article” Vermont Court sets Precedent with First Lesbian Adoption,” the Vermont court passed the homosexuals family adopting children and set a precedent in Vermont. It is mean that the definition of family had changed and the societies must need to make a quick adaptation to the new type of family. I think that all adoption applicants should have an equal opportunity to apply for their consideration of their qualifications as adoptive parents, under applicable law (because some societies forbid homosexuals). At the same time, applicants should be fairly assessed on their abilities to successfully parent a child needing family membership, not on their appearance, differing lifestyle, or sexual preference.
In conclusion, I agree that alternative families can adopt children if they are legitimate and capable of parenting. Therefore, the society should research on that whether children of homosexual parents grow up just as well-adjusted as children of heterosexual parents or not and others similar issues. The result will help the societies make optima adaptation for the changing of family.
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12:25 PM
American Values"Unemployed man finds money bag, returns it to police"
According to the article” Unemployed man finds money bag, returns it to police,” Although the Mr. Hoare is unemployed, he doesn’t think twice and direct return the bag to police. He said that “if something isn’t yours, it isn’t yours” which is the way he was brought up. It is unbelievable in Chinese or Taiwanese societies. Even if Chinese or Taiwanese were brought up like that; they still do the dishonest behaviors and things, especially without witness. In China culture there is an idiom that what you have done will be observed by The God. Perhaps some people would like to return money found due to integrity such as me. In fact, I had carefully observed the behavior of American and I think they are honest even without witness. At the some time, I realized that the American school and family always teaching about the honesty, integrity, truth and justice. So I think that the values and assumptions can be change by education.
In conclusion, I agree that the honesty, integrity, truth and justice are American values and assumptions. Chinese or Taiwanese should imitate Americans a little more. Therefore, the Chinese or Taiwanese society should teach people about honesty, integrity, truth and justice. The result will help the people become honest.
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12:22 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Risk and Impact of Airline Alliances
Paper Abstract
This research argues that the bad impact of the airline alliances is getting worse everyday. This essay is about how airline alliances can threaten and endanger the entire world, especially passengers and communities, travel agencies and employees. The disadvantages of airline alliances can be removed in three ways that include establishing a supranational government organization, creating a communication platform and using antitrust laws.
The advent of global airline alliances in the 1980s gave rise to concerns that increased monopoly power of major carriers would lead to large and sustained producer surpluses. Airline alliances take many forms and provide varying benefits and risks to participating air carriers, as well as other stakeholders such as passengers, communities, travel agencies and employees. The most important consequence of an Airline alliance is the fact that supranational government organizations cannot yet match the power of supranational alliances, which have seized the wonderful occasion to engage in lawless activities recently. The risks and impacts of Airline alliances seem to outweigh the advantages of Airline alliances. Few articles researched on the bad effects of Airline alliances so far.Discuss about airline alliances bad effect in passengers, communities, travel agencies and employees and then suggest these stakeholders how to avoid the risks and impacts of airline alliances.
The bad effect in passengers
Reduce schedules and increase fares on passengers who fly on their planes. Consumers have an incorrect expectation because none of those services requires airline alliances. The major global airline alliance is to solidify the oligopoly of their participants, and to drive smaller non-participants and even large non-aligned airlines out of business.Remaining airlines can raise prices, while travelers are offered fewer choices Serious dangers for passengers if the ultimate outcome is an oligopoly that leads to reduced service quality and higher prices.
The bad effect on communities
Alliances seem to have grown into these giant organizations Little regard for the communities and passengers. Built some barriers to entry in airline industry such as financial barrier and priority obstacles. Airline alliances make the benefit for both sides:Pure hypocrisy and greedy behavior, as the airlines are search for even more special treatment and subsidies from governments. Use economies of scale for the airline members to achieve massive procurement savings, cutting costs by sharing facilities and allowing an expansion of their routes through code-sharing.
The bad effect travel agencies
Airline alliances are bring shivers among travel agencies as they worry about reduced to a minor role and low profit Travel agencies also select their cooperative alliance for competitive advantage because restricted by alliance. Besides, Some internet companies who want share this market by their advantage such as Orbitz.com and travelocity.com; The three biggest alliance developed their ticket system and website for selling their tickets. Small travel agencies are closing or going bankrupt in droves.
The bad effect on employees
Decreases opportunities for job growth.
Reduces security for employees through work force reductions.
For example, Delta Air Lines & Airways-Delta merger.
Market of aviation isn’t experiencing overcapacity; it’s just dislocation.
The airlines just find an excuse to terminate excess workers for reducing expenditures.
Difficult to pin down on merits or demerits.
The negative effects outweigh the positive effects.
Threatening the entire world, particularly on the traveler welfare problem, public benefit topic, travel agencies revenue, and rights of the employees.
Establishing a supranational government organization
Creating a communication platform
Using anti-trust laws.
Posted by
8:17 AM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Survey Report
The survey was administered in the SIU December 2006. The participants were 30 students from student center, recreation center, and dormitory that studying department/college includes literature art, social sciences, engineer, CESL, undecided, business, technology, and mess communication. In addition, the class distributions are various that include 3.3% freshmen, 6.6% sophomore, 36% junior, 23.3% senior, and 20% graduate students. About the gender distribution of participants, 30% are female and 70% are male. Regard nationality of survey, the one–thirds of participants are international students and others are American students.
This section discuss about the result of survey. At first, will discussing overall opinion on each issue. Then discuss the difference between international and American students.
In overall opinions about most important on excellence areas of SIU, 45% students thought Teaching is most important on excellence area. 31% students prefer cost and 20% students said that reputation of SIU. Only 4% students choose facilities for most important. Meanwhile, use score analysis method (1as 9 points, 2 as6 points, 3 as 3points and 4 as 1 point) to fine out, which is most important among four chooses. The ranking is the same (Teaching: 181, Facilities: 10,Cost: 136,Reputation: 116). However, we found out the significant different between international and American students about this issue. American students think that teaching is most important on excellence areas of SIU, second is reputation, and third is cost. In contract, international student said that most important is cost, next is teaching, after next is reputation, final is facilities. I think the cause is American school tuition. Most international students are come from developing countries so the cost influence their choose.
Regard to estimate the value of an SIU degree for getting job. In overall, 30% students agree very helpful and 60% agree somewhat helpful. As a whole, most students think that is helpful. Indeed, the agree degree of international students is lower than American student. 35% American students said very help and 55% said somewhat helpful. Conversely, international student only 20% think that it is very helpful. I think the reason is that most international student will go back their country and looking for job.
In satisfaction with SIU, most students are satisfying with SIU. To illustrate, 13% students agree very satisfied and 70% agree somewhat satisfied. Although most part of a whole satisfied, American students are higher than international students. No international students agree very satisfied, 80% students agree somewhat satisfied. On the contrary, American students have 20% prefer very satisfied and 65% said somewhat satisfied. I think that cause of different is American values and assumptions. The American values of independence and self-reliance are reflected in the university. Foreign students often fell frustrated and confused, lonely, isolated and misunderstood.
The final issues on recommend SIU, 90% student recommend SIU to others and 10% student do not. American students still significant difference with international students in this issue. American students have 95% prefer recommend, but 80% international students recommend SIU. The reason of different is that the satisfaction with SIU of American students is higher than foreign students because of more satisfaction more recommend.
In conclusion, overall students are satisfied with SIU in the value of an SIU degree and they will recommend SIU to others. In the mean time, teaching is most important in excellence areas of SIU. Second important is cost, after that is reputation and last one is facility. In addition, international student think that the most important in excellence areas of SIU is cost. On the other hand, there have significant difference between international and American students. As a whole, American student are higher than international students in the value of an SIU degree, satisfaction with SIU, and recommend SIU.
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8:33 PM
Using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach to evaluate maintenance management concept policy
This paper has provided the conceptual framework for using the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach to assist the companies to select the maintenance management concept policy. The inherent dilemma can be broken if the companies manage the few important systems and Components as their maintenance policy to achieve the overall goal. The goal of any maintenance is to increase throughput and at the same time reduce inventory and operating expense. As a prerequisite to ensuring profitability, the manager must be able to quickly identify and remove the constraint(s) and ensure that they can continue to meet changing environment accurately.
However, using fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach to evaluate maintenance management concept policy should be adopted with care due to its intensive training requirements and radical approach that requires experimental learning. In future development of the framework, more modules should be added, and the content of each module should be carefully elaborated upon. In this way, a modular framework can be built. This modular approach would allow to ‘take ideas’ (i.e. a selection of modules) in order to make a customised maintenance concept policy.
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7:50 PM
socitey shapes our expectation and thinking
According my personal experience, I think that good appreance is evey helpful in anywhere driven by society effect. For example, at my university school life, some profeesors perfer discuess with good looking student because they look like progress, smart, and studing hard. Althought their performance worse than others students, they still got the high score. However it’s unfair, especially if you are not one of the beautiful people. Beside that in chinese culture and society, we was taught that man must be man and respect to gender. We can not cross dressing and trt on you are not. However, I changed my mind after I came to Amercian and join the American style halloween party. At the same time I relized that the different societis will shape different people expectation and behavior.
In conculsion, the socitey always shapes our expectation and thinking. In deed different societies will shapes various thinking and culture. However, everyone need some activites to break and relax form normal routine and return to usual role after that.
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9:53 AM
Description of young professionals in Chicago
Ms. Claudia cohabit with her boyfriend in a western suburb of Chicago since two years ago. she met her boyfriend when she was in school and dating for five years. Recently, Ms. Claudia have jealous conflict with her boyfriend because her boyfriend met another girl and spend five hours to chat with the girl everyday by internet. Her boyfriend complain that Ms. Claudia often travels in her job and no time to stay with him. After shouting match, she decide to go to music pub and release the bad emotions.
Coincidentally, she meet the Mr. Tom who is manager for advertising company in the music pub. He is dating with on steady companion. He usually go to music pub for his habits and companionship and sex. He is smooth talker due to his job and experience. In addition, he is very handsome and healthy because he like sport and excises his body. Thus, he always attract woman by his good looking. Ms. Claudia lend his ear for her argument with her boyfriend. They fall in love quickly because they have similar habits and interests. Therefore, Ms. Claudia broke up with her boyfriend and start dating with Mr. Tom.
In conclusion, most young professionals like spend their time on internet and cohabit in big city. At the same time, computer abuse already become the social problem. Indeed, the big city like the great market for searching companionship and sex. As a result, young people perhaps have more than one sexual partner and spend half life in single and dating for find Mr. right or Ms. Right on the Web.
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9:47 AM