The topic of this paper is information privacy issue on Gmail. This research argues that scanning e-mail content of the Gmail is bad for personal privacy. This paper discussion could divide into two parts. The first is Gmail’s advantage and disadvantage, the second is how Gmail could threaten and endanger the entire Gmail users, especially on personal information privacy issue. In summary, for business view, context-sensitive advertisement is trend and direction for email advertisements, because customization is now becoming standard in the Internet world. However, it seriously Impact on personal information privacy if Gmail combine Google search engine and share the personal information for other purposes. Therefore, users should trade-off the Gmail benefit between with personal privacy or pay the money for a complete secure email environment.
With the growing of popularity using personal computer online, Email is becoming more popular in the world. It could be said that this is part of a global phenomenon. According to Pew Internet and American Life Project data from December 2006 survey, 91% of U.S. Internet users have most did online activity is sent or read email [3]. In general, most people favor using free webmail services because it is convenient, easy to use and no charge. Right now, internet has plenty of web-based email address providers could offer free email service such as Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail, AOL Mail,…etc. Besides, Email marketing is very competitive and every email address provider giving every effort on attracting email users by offer better performance [1]. Recently, Gmail became most favor web-based email address provider by provide better services. The numbers of Gmail active accounts are sudden increasing and it greatly threaten to other two largest competitors (Yahoo! Mail and Windows Live Hotmail). However, some new problems have resulted from using Gmail, especially on information privacy. Therefore, this paper focuses on Gmail’s information privacy issue. First at all, this paper explains Gmail’s good and bad, the second is analyzing how Gmail could threaten and endanger the Gmail user’s privacy.
The topic of this paper is information privacy issue on Gmail. This research argues that scanning e-mail content of the Gmail is bad for personal privacy. This paper discussion could divide into two parts. The first is Gmail’s advantage and disadvantage, the second is how Gmail could threaten and endanger the entire Gmail users, especially on personal information privacy issue. In summary, for business view, context-sensitive advertisement is trend and direction for email advertisements, because customization is now becoming standard in the Internet world. However, it seriously Impact on personal information privacy if Gmail combine Google search engine and share the personal information for other purposes. Therefore, users should trade-off the Gmail benefit between with personal privacy or pay the money for a complete secure email environment.
With the growing of popularity using personal computer online, Email is becoming more popular in the world. It could be said that this is part of a global phenomenon. According to Pew Internet and American Life Project data from December 2006 survey, 91% of U.S. Internet users have most did online activity is sent or read email [3]. In general, most people favor using free webmail services because it is convenient, easy to use and no charge. Right now, internet has plenty of web-based email address providers could offer free email service such as Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail, AOL Mail,…etc. Besides, Email marketing is very competitive and every email address provider giving every effort on attracting email users by offer better performance [1]. Recently, Gmail became most favor web-based email address provider by provide better services. The numbers of Gmail active accounts are sudden increasing and it greatly threaten to other two largest competitors (Yahoo! Mail and Windows Live Hotmail). However, some new problems have resulted from using Gmail, especially on information privacy. Therefore, this paper focuses on Gmail’s information privacy issue. First at all, this paper explains Gmail’s good and bad, the second is analyzing how Gmail could threaten and endanger the Gmail user’s privacy.
What is Gmail
Gmail is a free Web-based email (Webmail) and POP3 e-mail service provided by Google Inc. It was released on April 1, 2004 as a private beta by invitation only, and was opened to all as a public beta on February 7, 2007. Because Google had had such success and high volume of use in search engine, it decided to offer a new free mail service for increase and sustain the competitive advantage. Google has extended several smaller applications including Google Calendar, Google Map, Google Page Creator and Google Talk in Gmail for attempts to increase user productivity and service, get bigger email marketing from business sectors, and make Gmail accessible on mobile phone [9].
Gmail is a free Web-based email (Webmail) and POP3 e-mail service provided by Google Inc. It was released on April 1, 2004 as a private beta by invitation only, and was opened to all as a public beta on February 7, 2007. Because Google had had such success and high volume of use in search engine, it decided to offer a new free mail service for increase and sustain the competitive advantage. Google has extended several smaller applications including Google Calendar, Google Map, Google Page Creator and Google Talk in Gmail for attempts to increase user productivity and service, get bigger email marketing from business sectors, and make Gmail accessible on mobile phone [9].
Gmail’s good and bad
Gmail catch the attention of users with several new features: first one is that it has a one gigabyte of storage and archiving space. This was over 500 times the storage offered by Hotmail’s or Yahoo’s free mail. After that other e-mail services also have increased their storage capabilities for remain the current users. However, Gmail currently raise the storage capabilities the offers users 2.86 gigabytes of free storage for response to other competitors [9], [8], [2]. The second is the the ability to search mail archives for specific words or phrases. This function is similar to the feature in Microsoft Word. User can use the great Google search tools to find content in your emails that you have stored in your account [2]. In addition, user could use spell checker to check the typing error [2]. The third is that it not only has attractive and friendly user interface but also has an excellent spam filter(scan content of email) function for deleting spam mails and other unwanted business e-mails [8],[2]. The fourth is offer direction function. It will auto offer direction map that link with Google map, If user’s email content has address [2]. The fifth is user could get Gmail for mobile devices so user can read and reply to Gmail messages on user’s phone [9]. The sixth is offer free POP-in and POP-out, that meaning user can use Gmail to access other email accounts, or access Gmail from whatever email client user use. However, this service is needed to charge in other email providers [1]. In addition, according to Michael Arrington (2007) in his article” A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail,” pointed out that “Overall we prefer Gmail over all other webmail applications because performance (speed) is consistently fast, and emails can be tagged making search much more effective. They also offer more storage and other features, and it’s free”. So the author also list the table 1 for compare the services on a feature-by-feature basis among Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail [1].
Gmail catch the attention of users with several new features: first one is that it has a one gigabyte of storage and archiving space. This was over 500 times the storage offered by Hotmail’s or Yahoo’s free mail. After that other e-mail services also have increased their storage capabilities for remain the current users. However, Gmail currently raise the storage capabilities the offers users 2.86 gigabytes of free storage for response to other competitors [9], [8], [2]. The second is the the ability to search mail archives for specific words or phrases. This function is similar to the feature in Microsoft Word. User can use the great Google search tools to find content in your emails that you have stored in your account [2]. In addition, user could use spell checker to check the typing error [2]. The third is that it not only has attractive and friendly user interface but also has an excellent spam filter(scan content of email) function for deleting spam mails and other unwanted business e-mails [8],[2]. The fourth is offer direction function. It will auto offer direction map that link with Google map, If user’s email content has address [2]. The fifth is user could get Gmail for mobile devices so user can read and reply to Gmail messages on user’s phone [9]. The sixth is offer free POP-in and POP-out, that meaning user can use Gmail to access other email accounts, or access Gmail from whatever email client user use. However, this service is needed to charge in other email providers [1]. In addition, according to Michael Arrington (2007) in his article” A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail,” pointed out that “Overall we prefer Gmail over all other webmail applications because performance (speed) is consistently fast, and emails can be tagged making search much more effective. They also offer more storage and other features, and it’s free”. So the author also list the table 1 for compare the services on a feature-by-feature basis among Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail [1].

Table 1. Comparison the services
For these reasons, Gmail became the most popular email address provider. Especially during the invitation system (account holders were given up to 100 account invitations to send out to other e-mail addresses) was in use, it limit user’s number in Gmail system. So when that time, some people made money by sell Google's new e-mail service account as much as $60. Therefore in Joyoftech.com, it has very funny cartoon as figure 1 to satirize what benefit for become a Gmail user. It depicts a slick guy wear an "I got Gmail" T-shirt, with two girls stay around both his arms. Another guy asks this slick person, "What's your secret with the babes? Money? Power? Some kind of pheromone?" He answer, "Nope, something even more enticing then those...I have an invitation to a Gmail account to give out" [7].
For these reasons, Gmail became the most popular email address provider. Especially during the invitation system (account holders were given up to 100 account invitations to send out to other e-mail addresses) was in use, it limit user’s number in Gmail system. So when that time, some people made money by sell Google's new e-mail service account as much as $60. Therefore in Joyoftech.com, it has very funny cartoon as figure 1 to satirize what benefit for become a Gmail user. It depicts a slick guy wear an "I got Gmail" T-shirt, with two girls stay around both his arms. Another guy asks this slick person, "What's your secret with the babes? Money? Power? Some kind of pheromone?" He answer, "Nope, something even more enticing then those...I have an invitation to a Gmail account to give out" [7].

Fig.1 cartoon of I got Gmail
On the other hand, user must sacrifice their personal privacy to enjoy the use of Gmail. This is biggest disadvantage of Gmail, because Gmail is supported by business advertisers who purchase Advertisements from Google. The Gmail’s advertising method similar to the Google search engine’s AdSense advertising program. AdSense system puts customized and targeted advertisements on thousands of sites across the Web that according to rapidly scanning the content of Web pages and determining which advertisements are most appropriate to them [2]. So, Gmail use this sort new approach to presenting advertising to its users that Google automatically scans e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements. It screen the content of emails that user send and receive, and then select the personalized advertising for its email user that will appear on the right side of mailbox [1], [8], [2]. For example, if user were to send a message about how to buy and sell stock, you may find some financial and broker advertisement links set in into your e-mailbox. Imperceptibly, you Gmail account become a plenty of database for business or privacy search. As a result, privacy advocates are arguing about this privacy issue and insist that violating the privacy law especial in Europe.
On the other hand, user must sacrifice their personal privacy to enjoy the use of Gmail. This is biggest disadvantage of Gmail, because Gmail is supported by business advertisers who purchase Advertisements from Google. The Gmail’s advertising method similar to the Google search engine’s AdSense advertising program. AdSense system puts customized and targeted advertisements on thousands of sites across the Web that according to rapidly scanning the content of Web pages and determining which advertisements are most appropriate to them [2]. So, Gmail use this sort new approach to presenting advertising to its users that Google automatically scans e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements. It screen the content of emails that user send and receive, and then select the personalized advertising for its email user that will appear on the right side of mailbox [1], [8], [2]. For example, if user were to send a message about how to buy and sell stock, you may find some financial and broker advertisement links set in into your e-mailbox. Imperceptibly, you Gmail account become a plenty of database for business or privacy search. As a result, privacy advocates are arguing about this privacy issue and insist that violating the privacy law especial in Europe.
How Gmail could threaten information privacy
Gmail offer huge storage space for reserve thousands of your messages. Consequently you can store many years of e-mail into Gmail and still have space to spare. Also you may never have to erase e-mail again. However it accumulated over many years, your email account will become a powerful and useful database. It will save on Gmail server for while even thought user deleted the email [4], [6]. So Gmail could scan you email for multiple times by different purposes. It is different with anti-spam and antivirus systems. Because anti-spam and antivirus systems will not saved user’s email and it will check email only during sent or receive. Therefore, privacy advocates claim that Gmail is immoral and illegal to scan the user’s email.
Recently Legislative efforts aimed specifically at Google and Gmail are not necessary to protect user privacy for national security due to terrorism is serious threaten to the world lately. Since Gmail and online data storage are like the real record for personal activities. Once these private data and information expose to public, the personal information privacy will reveal very thorough [5]. Base on the national safety, most governments desire to monitor the email and online data storage for protect their country. Even though Google has promised an ongoing responsibility to protect the privacy of its users and is now one of the industry leaders in this effort, there is no guarantee in future. So, user should be careful emailing instructions on how to make a gun, drug, pipe bomb or car bomb, because the government may eventually read that email [5].
An important privacy concern exclusive to Gmail is that Google could combine information about a huge store of your mail with records of your search activity by Google search engine into a detailed sketch of your life [4]. For instance, Gmail could use intelligent software for combine result of screen the contents of e-mail with result of search activity to predict and analysis the user’s personality and routine schedule. It will become better and approaching reality day by day. For that reason, Gmail could insidiously monitor you behavior and expose personal privacy. Perhaps Gmail might imitate the second life website, put the user’s attribute and relative information in virtual world for make up and record the real world’s activities. Perhaps like Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems said: "If you're online, you have no privacy!" [4].
Gmail offer huge storage space for reserve thousands of your messages. Consequently you can store many years of e-mail into Gmail and still have space to spare. Also you may never have to erase e-mail again. However it accumulated over many years, your email account will become a powerful and useful database. It will save on Gmail server for while even thought user deleted the email [4], [6]. So Gmail could scan you email for multiple times by different purposes. It is different with anti-spam and antivirus systems. Because anti-spam and antivirus systems will not saved user’s email and it will check email only during sent or receive. Therefore, privacy advocates claim that Gmail is immoral and illegal to scan the user’s email.
Recently Legislative efforts aimed specifically at Google and Gmail are not necessary to protect user privacy for national security due to terrorism is serious threaten to the world lately. Since Gmail and online data storage are like the real record for personal activities. Once these private data and information expose to public, the personal information privacy will reveal very thorough [5]. Base on the national safety, most governments desire to monitor the email and online data storage for protect their country. Even though Google has promised an ongoing responsibility to protect the privacy of its users and is now one of the industry leaders in this effort, there is no guarantee in future. So, user should be careful emailing instructions on how to make a gun, drug, pipe bomb or car bomb, because the government may eventually read that email [5].
An important privacy concern exclusive to Gmail is that Google could combine information about a huge store of your mail with records of your search activity by Google search engine into a detailed sketch of your life [4]. For instance, Gmail could use intelligent software for combine result of screen the contents of e-mail with result of search activity to predict and analysis the user’s personality and routine schedule. It will become better and approaching reality day by day. For that reason, Gmail could insidiously monitor you behavior and expose personal privacy. Perhaps Gmail might imitate the second life website, put the user’s attribute and relative information in virtual world for make up and record the real world’s activities. Perhaps like Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems said: "If you're online, you have no privacy!" [4].
Scanning e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements is a exclusive service and a new revenue stream for Google, which usually focuses on business advertisements revenue linked to Google search engine. However, they can efficiently target specific advertising to specific individuals by using scan the contents of the e- mail in its e-mail service. In business advertisers view, that is what they want and willing to pay in email marketing. On the other hand, different people have different perception on privacy issue depend on each one’s culture and personality. Some people seem to acceptable Gmail using context-sensitive advertisements while others tend to insist Gmail violating their privacy. Therefore users either trust in Gmail and then fell free to use this powerful email or pay the money for a reliable and private email.
1. Arrington, M. (2007). A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail. Retrieved June 3, 2007 http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/02/08/a-comparison-of-live-hotmail-gmail-and-yahoo-mail.
2. Freeman, E. H. (2006). Gmail and Privacy issues. Information system security.p.2 -p.6.
3. Pew Internet and American Life Project (2007). Internet Activities. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.pewinternet.org/trends/Internet_Activities_1.11.07.htm.
4. Post, J. (2004). Gmail, new web privacy concerns, Regional Business News.
5. Rutledge. S. (2006), Ask the Law Geek: How the government (doesn't) read your email, Lifehacker.
6. Stephen H. (2004). Google's Gmail Is Great -- But Not for Privacy, Business Week, Issue 3881.
7. The joyoftech.com (2004). Gmail Cartoon. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/560.html.
8. Vogel, P. (2004). Google’s new Gmail service: A wake-up call for privacy? Fort Worth Business Press, p.7.
9. Wikipedia.org (2007), Gmail, Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Gmail#Trademark_disputes.
Scanning e-mails to add context-sensitive advertisements is a exclusive service and a new revenue stream for Google, which usually focuses on business advertisements revenue linked to Google search engine. However, they can efficiently target specific advertising to specific individuals by using scan the contents of the e- mail in its e-mail service. In business advertisers view, that is what they want and willing to pay in email marketing. On the other hand, different people have different perception on privacy issue depend on each one’s culture and personality. Some people seem to acceptable Gmail using context-sensitive advertisements while others tend to insist Gmail violating their privacy. Therefore users either trust in Gmail and then fell free to use this powerful email or pay the money for a reliable and private email.
1. Arrington, M. (2007). A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail. Retrieved June 3, 2007 http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/02/08/a-comparison-of-live-hotmail-gmail-and-yahoo-mail.
2. Freeman, E. H. (2006). Gmail and Privacy issues. Information system security.p.2 -p.6.
3. Pew Internet and American Life Project (2007). Internet Activities. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.pewinternet.org/trends/Internet_Activities_1.11.07.htm.
4. Post, J. (2004). Gmail, new web privacy concerns, Regional Business News.
5. Rutledge. S. (2006), Ask the Law Geek: How the government (doesn't) read your email, Lifehacker.
6. Stephen H. (2004). Google's Gmail Is Great -- But Not for Privacy, Business Week, Issue 3881.
7. The joyoftech.com (2004). Gmail Cartoon. Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/560.html.
8. Vogel, P. (2004). Google’s new Gmail service: A wake-up call for privacy? Fort Worth Business Press, p.7.
9. Wikipedia.org (2007), Gmail, Retrieved June 3, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Gmail#Trademark_disputes.
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